Reporting live from the Michelle Hunziker epic MILFtastic bikini vacation...
Today, we have pink!

Today, we have pink!
Of course, you do realize that pink is the second most successful bikini color ever invented on the Egotastic! bikini color chart index. And on the Swiss Miss television hostess with the mostess mommy asstastic and beach body -- wow. I really don't know what to say other than if she were my mom, I'd suggest some mother-son camping trips. Wrong? Perhaps, but not as nearly disturbed as my plans for the three-legged turkey races at the family summer picnic. Oh, Michelle Hunziker, your bikini vacation is driving me quite a bit insane. Enjoy.
Michelle Hunziker bikini
Michelle Hunziker bikini
Michelle Hunziker bikini
Michelle Hunziker bikini
Michelle Hunziker bikini

Michelle Hunziker bikini
Michelle Hunziker bikini
Michelle Hunziker bikini

Michelle Hunziker bikini

Michelle Hunziker bikini

Michelle Hunziker bikini

Michelle Hunziker bikini
Michelle Hunziker bikini

Michelle Hunziker bikini

Michelle Hunziker bikini