Yesterday the Internet was all a-titter over a “leaked” (Well played, Dina.) photo of Lindsay Lohan‘s Playboy cover even though a.) it’s a just a horribly lit photo of the cover, b.) I’ve seen more nudity through Reese Witherspoon’s yoga pants and c.) this might as well be a cartoon character, it’s that airbrushed. If this spread turns out to be nothing but Lindsay’s head Photoshopped onto Jessica Rabbit’s body, I swear to God I’m gonna be.. probably aroused.
lindsay lohan cover

lindsay lohan cover

lindsay lohan cover

lindsay lohan cover

lindsay lohan cover

lindsay lohan cover

lindsay lohan cover

lindsay lohan cover

lindsay lohan cover

lindsay lohan cover

lindsay lohan cover

lindsay lohan cover

lindsay lohan cover

lindsay lohan cover

lindsay lohan cover